Dean’s Design Award and Cross Disciplinary Awards

The Dean’s Design Award for Undergraduate Engineering Design is a prestigious recognition given to exceptional undergraduate students who have demonstrated outstanding engineering design skills. This award is given to students who have completed an engineering design project as part of their coursework during the academic year.​

The award criteria include a demonstration of the ability to identify and solve complex engineering problems, creativity in the design process, effective communication skills, and a thorough understanding of the underlying engineering principles.​

The WSE Dean’s Design Award encourages excellence in engineering design among undergraduate students and recognizes the outstanding achievements of those who have made significant contributions to their field.

2023 Recipients of the Dean’s Design Award for Undergraduate Engineering Design

Proofreader Evaluation and Analysis toolKit (PEAK) for Nanoscale Connectomics

Department: Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Mentors: Justin Joyce, Victoria Rose​, and Will Gray Roncal
​Faculty Mentor: Dr. Fadil Santosa​
Team Members: Krutal Patel, Vivia Lung, and Rupasri Chalavadi

Fetal Therapy Technologies: Designing a Novel Port System to Mitigate Membrane Rupture in Fetal Therapy Procedures

Department: Biomedical Engineering
Clinical Mentor: Dr. Ahmet Baschat 
​Faculty Mentor: Dr. Elizabeth Logsdon
Team Members: Selena Shirkin, Jonathan Wu​, Mariah Snelson​, Eric McAlexander​, Daniel Lewis​, Ayeeshi Poosarla​, Alice Yu​, and Gloria Kalnitskaya ​

SNaP Relief

Department: Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering​
Team Members: Benjamin Biggs​, Anica Jones​, Kristen Liu​, and Andrew Tran​

Charm City Canes

Department: Center for Leadership Education​
Faculty Mentor: Jenna Frye​​
Team Members: Leela Gowland​, Rumani Kafle​, Renee Nerenberg​, and Carolyn Tung​

Levering Hall and the Glass Pavilion – Center for Art and Community

Department: Civil and Systems Engineering
Faculty Mentor: John Matteo​
Team Members: Cecilia Doyle​ and Hanting Wong


Department: Computer Science
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Anton Dahbura​
Team Members: Chinat Yu​, Jalen Geason​​, Jeffery Zhou​​, Kevin Zhang​​, Maverick Espinosa​​, Michelle Wang​​, Shaina Gabala​​, Siddharth Ananth​​, and Sidharth Pavuluri​

Wireless Coordinated Interactive Audio System for Toys and Amusement Devices

Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Faculty Mentors: Dr. Anton Dahbura​ and Sathappan Ramesh
Team Members: Preston Gonzales​ and Jack Werrell​

Design Plan for Louisiana Delta Offshore Wind Farm with Consideration for Environmental and Community Impacts

Department: Environmental Health & Engineering​
Team Members: Marisa Thomas​, Julia Choe​, and Adriana Peña​

Materials screening method for superconducting quantum bits using simplified fabrication and design of partial quantum bits

Department: Materials Science and Engineering
Team Member: Izze Hedrick​

Manufacturing White Canes for Blind Services and Industries of Maryland

Department: Mechanical Engineering
Project Sponsor: Blind Industries & Services of Maryland (BISM)​
​Faculty Mentor: Dr. Stephen Belkoff​, Herson Morales​, and Yensabro Kanashiro​
Team Members: Daniel Deng​, Delphine Tan​, Justin Carder​, and Katie Bomhoff