Project Search


Designing a High Throughput Characterization Device using X-ray Diffraction and X-ray Fluorescence

Project Description:

X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) are powerful materials characterization techniques that provide information about chemical composition and crystal structure. While usually done separately, combinatorial high throughput (CHT) characterization methods have demonstrated that techniques such as XRF and XRD can be combined into one system to rapidly obtain high volumes of data about material properties. When used in conjunction with an automated data analysis program, structural materials with incrementally varied compositions can be studied to understand how their structural properties are influenced by changes in composition. Characterization techniques beyond XRF and XRD can be added to this system to generate robust materials data to make the development and testing of alloys more efficient. XRF is the focus of this study as the resolution and analysis of data is crucial for CHT systems, which can be modeled computationally and analyzed experimentally. Based on these findings the optimal configurations of parts for this system was designed.

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Project Poster

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Project Post Summary:

Poster includes computational and experimental XRF spectra and design results

Student Team Members

  • Jenna Cartron
  • Syed Ali Ahmad
  • Nathan Malone
  • Shao-Yu Tseng
  • Ki Wook Park

Course Faculty

    Project Mentors, Sponsors, and Partners

    • Dr. Todd Hufnagel