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Engineering Assistive Technologies for Disabilities: E-Trike, Nasal Spray Assist, Seizure Detection System, AFO Accelerometer

Project Description:

The Volunteers for Medical Engineering is a student organization affiliated with The IMAGE Center of Maryland, a non-profit organization dedicated to designing and testing assistive aids/devices for community members with disabilities within the greater Baltimore area. This semester, members worked towards assembling an adapted electric trike with trunk support, an instrumentation device with an accelerometer for ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs), a low-cost nasal spray assist, and a seizure detection system.

Project Photo:

Logo of the Volunteers for Medical Engineering at Johns Hopkins University

Logo of the Volunteers for Medical Engineering at Johns Hopkins University

Project Poster

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Project Post Summary:

Depicted in the poster, titled “Engineering Assistive Technologies for Disabilities: E-Trike, Nasal Spray Assist, Seizure Detection System, AFO Accelerometer”, are the four projects worked on by the JHU Branch of the Volunteers for Medical Engineering.

Student Team Members

    Course Faculty