LactaLearn: Mobile App for Automated Assessment of Newborn Breastfeeding Efficiency


Biomedical Engineering

Project Description:

80% of new mothers want to exclusively breastfeed their infant; however, only 41% meet this goal. The most common reason why new mothers cease exclusive breastfeeding is because of concerns over adequate milk intake. At-home timing of feedings is often used to quantify this, but this method can be mentally exhausting and prone to error3. A more accurate assessment can be made using baby scales, but small changes in weight during feedings make it difficult to use a scale accurately without training. There is a need for an accessible solution that allows easy assessment of a newborn’s milk intake at home. We developed a mobile application that uses a deep learning model to estimate milk transfer efficiency. Through the detection of audible rhythmic swallowing, a sign of consistent milk intake, this app can provide parents with reassurance that their newborn is receiving enough milk when breastfeeding.

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Project Photo

Project Photo Caption:

The image shows a cartoon mother using the LactaLearn app to monitor her breastfeeding session. The phone is positioned near the baby’s throat to capture swallowing sounds.

Project Video