Battlefield Life Saving Drone Project

Team: Advanced ECE Team Project


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Project Description:

Our project aims to design a drone to travel the battlefield and provide life-saving solution to soldiers via injection to prevent deaths in war.

Team Members

    [foreach 357]

  • [if 397 not_equal=””][/if 397][395]

  • [/foreach 357]

Project Mentors, Sponsors, and Partners

  • Sathappan Ramesh

  • Dr. Israel Gannot

  • Sathappan Ramesh

  • Dr. Israel Gannot

Course Faculty

    [foreach 429]

  • [if 433 not_equal=””][/if 433][431]

  • [/foreach 429]

Project Links

Additional Project Information

We look forward to design day!

Project Photo

Project Photo Caption:

An example from our image analysis.

Project Video