Project Description:

This project centers on enhancing the current MRI Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) graphical user interface (GUI) to improve the efficiency and intuitiveness of MRI data analysis. The current system faces challenges with data loading, B0 correction, and Z-spectra analysis. Our proposed improvements include implementing a better data-loading structure, integrating multi-Lorentzian fits for Z-spectra, and advancing Region of Interest (ROI) selection using active contour models. Additionally, improvements to user interface elements will ensure a more intuitive experience for users. These enhancements aim to provide more accurate and detailed imaging analyses, crucial for effective diagnosis and research in medical imaging.

Project Photo:

GUI analyzing rat kidney

GUI analyzing rat kidney

Student Team Members

  • Rida Chowdhury
  • Omar Gharib
  • Shubhan Mathur

Course Faculty

  • S. Ramesh

Project Mentors, Sponsors, and Partners

  • Michael T. McMahon
  • Julia Stabinska