Superabsorbent Polymer based Fire Retardant

Team: BlueJays Fire Solutions

Project Description:

Our project studies the formulation, and design of an affordable fire retardant based on the absorption capabilities of certain polymers. Our research and experiments show superabsorbent polymers as the most cost-friendly and scientifically sound fire retardant material.

Project Photo:

Flame test on plywood sprayed with superabsorbent polymer

Flame test on plywood sprayed with superabsorbent polymer

Project Poster

Open full size poster in new tab (PDF)

Project Post Summary:

The poster provides a concise, one-stop shop for all important information of our project.

Student Team Members

Course Faculty

    Project Mentors, Sponsors, and Partners

    • Dr. Marc Donohue

    Project Video

    This video covers the background and prevalence of widefires followed by a detailed debrief on the scope of our solution and its economics.