Virtual Collaboration for Written Assignments

Team: Foundations of MultiD, Spring 2021: VL Live

Project Description:

After talking to and observing college students learning virtually, our team decided to focus on improving collaboration on hand-written assignments in a virtual learning setting. Since moving online, working together on assignments like problem sets is nearly impossible, which demotivates students and stop them from learning together. We designed a solution for college students who prefer to work on paper to start collaborating effectively, even from a distance.

Project Photo:

Mirror + clip attachment that reflects written work to a laptop camera for virtual collaboration

Mirror + clip attachment that reflects written work to a laptop camera for virtual collaboration

Student Team Members

Course Faculty

    Project Mentors, Sponsors, and Partners

    Project Video

    This video describes the need for the mirror device we created that allows for students and professors to share written work on zoom in a low-tech and hands-free way. We shed light on parts of our design process and also demonstrate how the device can be used.