Materials screening method for superconducting quantum bits using simplified fabrication and design of partial quantum bits

Project Description:

In classical computing, information is held in bits, which can hold values of 0 or 1. In quantum computing, information is held in quantum bits, or qubits, which can hold values of 0 or 1, or their superpositions, and entangle, creating an exponentially more powerful computer capable of handling difficult multivariable problems. A superconducting flux qubit is a type of qubit that relies on a superconducting ring interrupted by Josephson Junctions. Normally, the Josephson Junctions are made from aluminum and the superconducting ring is made from niobium or tantalum. Materials research in this area is stagnant because each material needs its own catered processes; there is no blanket set of steps that produces successful qubits every time. This project is aimed to formulate a top-down approach to screen materials for qubit applications through five steps: bulk crystal growth, processing, ion milling, lead assembly and measurement. This was successfully done and quantitatively compares to the thin film approach.

Project Photo:

Student Team Members

  • Izze Hedrick

Course Faculty

    Project Mentors, Sponsors, and Partners

    • Tyrel M. McQueen