IQT24: Low-cost autonomous maritime loitering platform

Project Description:

Sponsor IQTLabs builds & plays in the Open Source ecosystem to understand emerging risks and opportunities. This project’s aim is to increase understanding of maritime awareness capabilities. What is possible with a small budget, minimal manufacturing equipment, and creative thinking? The IQT24 team used an iterative design process to develop an autonomous, satellite linked surface vessel capable of loitering, and performing missions with the onboard payload, for up to 4 weeks in a rough ocean environment.

Project Photo:

ITQ24’s second generation solar powered surface vessel during an autopilot test!

ITQ24’s second generation solar powered surface vessel during an autopilot test!

Student Team Members

  • Theo DeGuzman
  • Gen Mehra
  • Owen Mitchell
  • Iris Renteria

Course Faculty

  • Rich Bauernschub
  • Dr. Stephen Belkoff

Project Mentors, Sponsors, and Partners