Students Shine Light on Stockton Street

Students Shine Light on Stockton Street

1386 N. Stockton St, an open lot from the demolition of five rowhouses, has fallen into disrepair. “Light on Stockton Street” is crafted based on the path of the sun, leading the team to include raised beds to grow food and beautify the area in the sun, gathering...
‘Tis the sneeze-in!

‘Tis the sneeze-in!

A @jhumeche #DesignDay team is developing an affordable, fully automated pollen detection device that will provide accurate, time sensitive data—and help allergy suffers prepare for hyperlocal conditions.  The device collects an air sample from the surrounding...
Collaborating Robots showcase at Design Day

Collaborating Robots showcase at Design Day

The #DesignDay24 team of Prestion Gonzales, Kayleigh Huk, and Dhilan Patel designed a robust control system to autonomously coordinate a group of robots that can adapt to any device disconnecting or joining their swarm. They’ll show off their orchestra demo on...
Design Day Team Addresses Flooding, Erosion in Dundalk

Design Day Team Addresses Flooding, Erosion in Dundalk

By Danielle Underferth As sea levels rise and coasts erode, low-lying communities like the Turner Station community in Dundalk are increasingly threatened by chronic flooding. One environmental health and engineering Design Day team has developed a nature-based...
LactaLearn Develops App to Support Mothers with Breastfeeding

LactaLearn Develops App to Support Mothers with Breastfeeding

Did you know 80% of new mothers want to exclusively breastfeed their infant, but only 41% do? The most common reason they stop: They’re worried that their newborn isn’t getting enough milk. @JHUBME’s LactaLearn #DesignDay24 team has a solution: Their...